Health Effects Of Female Hygiene Products

Female hygiene products are the common part of life for most women around us. Tampons, sanitary pads, hygiene wash, menstrual caps, etc, are some of the products that women use in their daily lives. 

Most often, we use the products used by those around us or we go by the advertisements that we see on the TV. But did you know that most of these products contain chemicals that can be harmful to you? 

According to a study, an average woman uses up to 10,000 sanitary pads or tampons from puberty to menopause. This makes selecting products with caution, even more, important. 

So, in this video we will shed more light on the good and bad aspects of female hygiene products. 

Is a long-term usage of sanitary pads or tampons harmful? What about environment-friendly methods like eco-friendly pads or menstrual cups? Are hygiene products not what they claim to be? Do give it a watch.

Tampon Or Sanitary Pad.
Are female hygienic products such as a tampon or sanitary pad not hygienic or toxic? Many sanitary pads and tampons are made out of cotton and rayon blend. To give it a white sterile look, they are bleached. A chemical namely Dioxin is released in the process. Prolonged use of these toxic and unhygienic product can cause rashes or infections in your private part.

Too much plastic.
According to an estimate, female hygiene products such as pads and tampons contain the plastic equivalent to 4 plastic bags in a single pad. The chemicals present in tampons can be linked with heart diseases. Plastic present in your pads or tampons can risk the air flow and can cause bacterial growth in the vagina.

Are you better off without Feminine hygiene wash products?.
One look at the shelf at any pharmacy and you will find lots of products such as wash, spray, wipes, etc, promising to give you cleaner, odour-free and a fresh vagina. But according to doctors, you are better off without them. The vagina has an ecosystem of its own. Bacteria present there play a role in the reproductive health. It maintains the range of 3.5-4.5 pH to keep your vagina healthy. So, the best thing to do is to not interfere with the natural process.

In most vaginal washes and vaginal wipes, there is found a chemical known as parabens, which are used as a preservative. It causes irritation in some people and may also have an oestrogen-damaging property. An alternative such as paraben-free intimate wash products could be a better option to these toxic products.

Toxic shock syndrome.
This is a rare but a life-threatening condition caused by the use of super-absorbent tampons. One should take a precaution to never use super-absorbent tampons and never ever leave the tampon on overnight. Always wear a pad during the night.

Tampons lead to bacterial infections.
Yes, it is true! Despite its popularity and convenience, tampons have lots of demerits as well. Tampons create an atmosphere in the vagina for bacterial growth. The tear caused by the tampon in the vagina help in the accumulation of bacteria in that region.

Is eco-friendly products need of the hour?.
Eco-friendly products such as organic or cloth pads, which are free from pesticides and dioxin, could be the solution to have a better reproductive health. But, this still adds to the disposal problem. According to a study, these biodegradable sanitary products still take up to 25 years to dissolve.

Reusable and bio-degradable menstrual cups.
Reusable and bio-degradable menstrual cups made with medical-grade silicon would be just the perfect choice! It might set you back with 1800 rupees, but you will never have to buy another one, at least for another 8 years or so. They do not hamper the natural lubrication process. They are easily bio-degradable, toxic free, good for the planet and can be used with ease.

Health Effects Of Female Hygiene Products Health Effects Of Female Hygiene Products Reviewed by Zakaria rguibi on May 30, 2018 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. With organic products, you can reduce your period cramps and lighten your bleeding because of the harsh chemical in conventional products disrupts the reproductive system. Cardboard applicator tampons/ are also helpful to reduce period cramps effectively.


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