How To Eat Rice Without Getting Fat And Make It A Healthy Food?

We all love eating rice, but one thing that prevents us from eating rice is the weight gain, which it brings with it. Rice is a stable diet in many countries, including India. Rice is rich in starch or carbohydrates, especially white rice. 

Excess carbohydrates in the body get converted into fats, this is the reason we put on weight immediately after eating rice. This is because the body gets loaded with sugar that comes from the breakdown of starch present in rice.

Rice is also the main reason for growing diabetes, as it causes a rise in blood sugar level, which can be difficult to bring under control for many. If you eat rice regularly then you must be physically active to burn the calories. 

However, it is also true that rice gives us instant energy, whenever we are hungry. We love to eat rice, as the calories are easy to breakdown by the body for an instant supply of energy. Now, there is a good news for you, you can eat rice without getting fat.

Watch on this video to know how to cut on 60 percent of the calories from rice.

Cook Rice With Coconut Oil.
Boil rice and add 1 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil in it. Keep the rice aside and wait until the water gets absorbed in it. Refrigerate the rice for 12 hours and then reheat it before consuming.

How Coconut Oil Removes Calories From Rice.
There are two types of starch in rice, one is digestible and the other is indigestible. The digestible starch is the main reason for weight gain. The starch that is digested gets absorbed into the blood and gets converted into fats.

Indigestible Sugar In Rice.
The indigestible starch present in rice is present in a lesser quantity and it is the starch that is not converted into fat. This is because this indigestible starch is not digested and absorbed by the body. It just fills the tummy and remains as such in the stomach until it is excreted from the body

Coconut Oil Converts Digestible Starch Into Indigestible Sugar.
When coconut oil is added to rice, it reacts with the digestible starch and then gets converted to an indigestible sugar. This starch can not be broken down by the body, and thus does not contribute to weight gain. This reduces the calories in the rice by 60 percent.

Benefits Of Indigestible Starch In Rice.
There are many benefits of this indigestible starch in rice formed by adding coconut oil. This starch, also known as resistant starch, reduces the blood glucose level, prevents constipation, makes insulin to work better, improves digestion, makes you feeling full and burns the fat faster. All of this helps to reduce weight and prevents some common diseases.

Use This Coconut Trick For All Starchy Foods.
You can also eat other starchy foods, without getting fat, by adding coconut oil and by refrigerating the rice for 12 hours. Foods like pasta, potatoes, oats and cereals can also be cooked with coconut oil to reduce the calories in them.

Filter The Water From Rice.
Another easy way to reduce calories from rice is to strain the thick water from the boiling rice. Boil the rice as usual, and when the water thickens, throw it out. This water is rich in starch, and you can even see the water becoming very thick, which can be used as a glue due to its thick consistency.

How To Eat Rice Without Getting Fat And Make It A Healthy Food? How To Eat Rice Without Getting Fat And Make It A Healthy Food? Reviewed by Zakaria rguibi on May 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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