Linden Tea Benefits - Anxiety Honey Side effects

Linden Tea Benefits for anxiety and its side effects. The things we see around us is filled with some of the other benefits for the human race, it is just a matter of time we discover its benefits for mankind; Linden is one such example. Generally grown in a temperate climate in the northern hemisphere, around Europe, Eastern North America, and in some parts of Asia. This Tree is gifted with many health benefits, few of them are listed below. 

1. Colds
It is very common in today’s unhealthy lifestyle, with more than 10 million cases/year in India alone, linden flowers are used for the medicinal purpose to counter the common cold, Simple procedural steps will help, start with drying freshly picked blossom, ensure you have moderate sunlight and not harsh conditions. Then dust of the dried blossom of any unwanted impurities and use the crushed residue to prepare tea. Many in the United States use this medicinal herb product to drink it as a tea and curing one of the common colds.

2. Anxiety
These days with so stress amounting like never before, we panic over everything and over needlessly process everything. Tea made of Linden helps to calm the mind and body, providing a refreshing experience. In turn, helping us to overcome anxiety. 

3. Intestinal Disorder
Another medicinal value from the Linden tree is derived from the Wood of linden tree. This can be an answer to intestinal disorders. Charcoal obtained from the wood can be used as a cure for the intestine, in turn relaxing the patient. 

4. Skin
Linden is also helpful in skin related problems. For example, it is useful to relive an itchy skin. While people may apply forms of linden directly onto their skin, there are commercial lotions available at drug stores that contain linden as part of their formula to relieve itching and other common skin issues. 

5. High blood pressure
It is a common disorder amongst the middle-aged group of people, in today’s modern world. Linden seems to act as a gentle diuretic, hence it mildly dilates the blood vessel making it possible for the blood to flow easily through it. If it is your choice to use linden tea to counter high blood pressure, it is suggested that you obtain concurrence from your medicinal practitioner.  

6. Insomnia
Most cases of Insomnia are due to poor sleeping habits, depression, anxiety, chronic illness or certain medication. Linden oil components have sedative properties which have evident effects that soothe the nerves and relax the mind resulting in a good sleep.

7. Headaches
While tea has helped many to alleviate the stress of headaches and painful symptoms of migraines. Mother Nature has gifted us with many herbs in which linden is a good example for the treatment of headaches including migraines, which is sometimes a pain for a person suffering from it from a long period of time. 

8. Rheumatism
This disease is marked by painful swelling of joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Research shows by applying linden directly to the skin, can help in relieving from pain. The oils from the linden get absorbed by the blood vessels and help in dilation resulting in relief from pain.

9. Liver Disease
Many have seen evidence whereLinden wood is an excellent cure for people suffering from Liver disease. While those who are chronic or severe liver diseases may need consultation from their physician on the amount Linden that may be consumed. 

10. Bronchitis
Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tube which carries air to and from to the lungs is diagnosed as bronchitis. While the mucus and the inflammation are the causes of the residual cold that infected an individual, Linden tea from leaves of Linden will be quite helpful in relieving from inflammation and relaxing the tube and facilitate proper berating. One may use a combination of eucalyptus and linden tea to help fight the mucus and inflammation at the same time.

11. Linden Tea Side effects
Contact urticaria and allergy reactions are some of the side effects. Rhinoconjunctivitis is also seen in people who are exposed to linden wood sawdust. Seasonal pollinosis from its usage is not uncommon too. In a rare case, heart patients were also affected with its regular usage. Consult your doctor if you are suffering from heart-related ailments. Linden flower primarily is cardiotoxic as per a study was done by German Commission E monograph. Usage during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be avoided due to lack of proper study to be safe.

Linden Tea Benefits - Anxiety Honey Side effects Linden Tea Benefits - Anxiety  Honey  Side effects Reviewed by khalid zeroual on January 25, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post!! Thanks for that. I really enjoyed to read it.
    I used to start my day with a cup of tea prepared with Loose Chamomile Tea


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